Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Prompt A. post

I bealive that in 2053 life will probably be more electronic. That there will most likley be robots in the future life that are created for peoples personal use. I am not sure if they will be used in a good way or bad way. I also bealive that people will have life even easier than it is now not to say it isn't easy already I just think the technology will get even more advanced then it is now. I also think that maby bad things will happen in the future and children will be more spoiled then this generation is.


  1. Have you ever seen "Back to the Future: Part II"? It is a movie made in the late 80's that looked into the future... it is crazy because most of the advancements that were imagined for the future have already become a reality! It is a great action/comedy that I highly recommend!

  2. Hey we think the same. Robots can be good in someways, also in bad ways. Remember to use spell check.

  3. You have a couple spelling grammars in here.
