Monday, April 4, 2011

UnGoogleable Graphic Organizer


  1. You should pick the first question in the father topic.

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  3. I agree with Joseph and Genonna. That is a very good question.

  4. I honestly think that Father will be a good topic. I would love to see how have a father impacts a home, especially with young boys

  5. The most interesting topic you have on your graphic organizer is about "abortion", because I think a lot of people should learn what really happens to the baby inside of you and what they're doing, it would also be very great for anyone.

  6. If I were you, I would write about abortion, because not that many people know about abortion. The most interesting focus question on your graphic organizer is “Should that government have a say in the womens decision about abortion” because if that did happen then the government would go to failure because of all of the families might mess up.

  7. Everyone knows about abortion, i think that you should do the father one.

  8. You should either write about abortion, or sports because they both sound like good topics.

  9. I think you should write about the abortion! That would get everyones intrest.

  10. I think you should write about the importance of having a male father that is a really important plus interesting topic. Good job

  11. I think you should write about abortions because it's a huge deal now a days.

  12. I think you should do the father one I think people would love to read that

  13. If I were you I would write about abortions and having a male figure in your life because many people would like to know about both of those topics the most.

  14. I think the abortion topic would be a really good once since some girls get cuaght in that situation, they could read it and get facts from it.

  15. Your Graphic Organizer looks great. Keep up the good work and the background looks juicy red.

  16. I think you have very great topics, but personally you should write about abortions.

  17. I really like the topic on abortions because it is a big issue in this day and age.

  18. you should write about the abotion topic cuz that will be interesting to read about.

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