Monday, September 27, 2010

"Favorite Character Interview"

What Is your name? Viviana P.

What is your favorite character in a movie or book? Vivianna’s favorite character in a movie is Chris Brown.

Describe your character in one word.

What is the character’s motivation?
Vivianna believes that Chris Brown’s motivation is success and fame.

Describe the character’s appearance.
Light skinned, short hair, cute smile and very fashionable.

Name a few actions the character performs. To Vivianna the character performs women beating and dance performance.

What does the character think about? Vivianna answered that she didn’t know.

What does the character say? “I did not hit that women she hit me first”

Why do you like this character? Vivianna responded by saying she likes this character because she enjoys listening to his voice and watching him in movies such as This Christmas and Stomp the Yard.

1 comment:

  1. The instructions were to ask about ONE character in a movie or book, not an actor in several movies (or in real life). Please read and follow directions carefully.
